maanantai 25. helmikuuta 2019

Kyllästyneenä Oikeusministeriön saamattomuuteen

Kyllästyneenä Oikeusministeriön saamattomuuteen, lähetin seuraavan kirjeen GRECO:n toiveenani saada heidät ymmärtämään, että Suomi ei aijo todellisuudessa suitsia rakenteellista korruptiota,
Olen kertonut avoimesti mielipiteni OM:lle projektin näennäisyydestä ja väärästä lähetymistavasta ilmiantosivustolla. Sillä ei ole vaikutusta mutta toivottavasti ulkoinen paine aiheuttaa liikettä oikeudellisempaan suuntaan.


Last year, in December (9.12.2018), Finnish Ministry of Justice got ready its Anticorruption cooperation network, (1.1.2016-31.12.2018)  project which, as I have understood, was GRECO's proposal to Finland. From the present page, one can read it will still continue to 2021. This was new information for me. BUT…
I have studied the material this project has produced and noticed the material and activities rather light compared the total of 7 years of project and the amount of 20 partners collected out of Finnish civil service and political organisations.
For example as the result of the project, partners have built the "
denouncing" website, where citizens can leave their reclamation against authorities. This portal sends every reclamation to the precise same authority they may have got the corrupted decision. How do you think this will work to hinder corruption?

Finland needs is the Constitutional Court. Independent of political influence and authorities. Even the selection of judges should be sensitive to avoid influence structures. Even collegial structures should be studied carefully. Finland is a small country but wise persons with the deep knowledge in law can be found, for example from university professors of areas of ​​legal expertise. There cannot be seen any “effective activity” to avoid social or structural corruption without independent court.
Ask WHY Finnish authorities do not want to establish this kind of independent court? I’ll answer: “because they want to continue their illegal practices without any disturbances”.

The present Constitutional Affairs Committee is the place just for studying the legality of laws, compared to the constitution law. It is not the place to get any justice against false decisions.
The present legality control system over judges and officials in Finland is totally as political as the
Finnish Ministry of Justice. This means, it is infected by social corruption.

Today we can, every now and then, read bad news about the way Finnish politicians are sharing the public funds to their co-operators and co-authorities, using their power to hide dirty decisions from publicity. I have collected here some links to the articles of Finnish press. Sorry, they are in Finnish only but if you need, I'll write English references some of them. Now there are just some key words translated. Maybe the browser translation will be helpful. For example in my Blogs there are thousands of readers around the world and it’s only in Finnish.

Collection of Finnish Structured Corruption from years 2011-2019
More than 100 cases. Several persons involved in many cases. Most of them are Finnish politicians and/or authorities.

Finnish Security Intelligence Service investigates it's own actions.
Two of the investigators of the lawfulness of Supo's operations have their own post in the Security Intelligence Services. How do you think the lawfulness can be guaranteed? published 23.2.2019

The results of the last period of the anti-corruption cooperation network
 project seem to be hidden in English. Only the future plans are visible BUT they are not translated properly at all. This don't look very encouraging either.
The result in Finnish may be read from the page:
The website is visible in the address:

I have participated as a partner and as the project manager in several EU projects. One of them, four years as the co-ordinator. It was listed one of the best in FP6 SME projects. If I had had a budget for a 7 year 20 partner project, the result had been much different than this bluff of the  Finnish Ministry of Justice, sorry to say. Hope you’ll wake them up. I cannot.

Sincerely yours: Hannu Kuukkanen
Senior research scientist of VTT IT  / Media

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